joi, 9 aprilie 2009

self-coaching exercise

  • reflect on the big picture (state of the world/humanity and where you stand);
  • identify beliefs, assumptions, personal context (parental&social&cultural&religious conditioning) make go further / feel guilty;
  • imagine removing all those burdens from your shoulders; in your future journey through life, only take with you those ar still valid and that you valid;
  • list those things that you truly value on a piece of paper;
  • recall a few time when you were really passionate about what you were doing;
  • ask yourself: what am i good at? list your skills
  • who are two people you admire? list their qualities that evoke your admiration
  • review these lists and search for common ground; it will indicate you what
    is truly, deeply important to you, ad may suggest a more meaningful, purposeful direction for your life. (proposed by sir john whitmore)

marți, 7 aprilie 2009

you can't build a reputation on what you are going to do (

3-4 april, 3rd reopening of the hr vocational school, a new modular certificate in personnel practice, with specialized tutor for each one (hr in organizational cotext; recruitment and selection; training, learning, development; performance management&appraisal; work-based project); the first corporate group; i strongly believe that the re-skilling & re-professionalization of romania could start with the h.r. people; it is glamour after hard work (gabi, misha, teo!), passion for teaching and tutoring (horea, andreea, magda, georgi, alina), and the courage to un-learn, and re-learn; "very promising start! a group with high expectations, but equally demonstrating a high level of engagement. heterogeneity of the group (in terms of industries, background and years of experience) served well the workshop purpose – very “rich” discussions and exchange of views. at the end of the workshop all students expressed their enthusiasm with regards to joining the CPP." says our tutor, andreea
i wish you all good luck!
enjoy & shine! :-)